Friday, April 13, 2012

So Much to Learn

This is my first time as a delegate to General Conference, and there has been much to learn. In addition to familiarizing myself with the legislation that is being proposed, I have been working to get up to speed on the workings of General Conference.

As the delegates enter our final weeks of preparation, I invite you to catch up on the issues and procedures of General Conference. Click here for the GC2012 resource page. Here, you can participate in a "General Conference 101" webinar, read up on proposed changes to the structure of the UMC, and learn how to catch streaming video of some of the GC highlights.

And, if you have a mobile device, I encourage you to download the GC2012 app and join in with Methodists around the world in daily prayer and devotion as we prepare for this significant conference. You can also join the Twitter feed here. There are a lot of technology options, which means this General Conference will engage a significant number of people who are not able to attend. With the stakes so high in the proposed changes to the structure of the UMC, I am glad so many will be able to plug into the events as they take place.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mary for taking the time to share this information with us! Good luck!!
